Saturday, June 29, 2019

Simple things to do to save our PLANET !!!

No doubt that you are aware about climate change. If you want it or not, the climate is changing and we'll have to face the harsh reality of mother nature. And so it is important that we prepare ourselves to this dire reality and take small action that could possibly avert this cataclysmic event.

1. Use recyclable bag. There's whole heaps of option out there. Most common and durable are the Jute bags, that has been traditionally used in countries like Bangladesh, India and China.
Image result for Jute bag

 2. Waste less! We do waste a lot of things in our daily life. Don't believe me, go have a rummage thru your rubbish bin. You maybe surprised at how much wasteful we are.

3. Plant more trees. There is nothing in the world that is best at removing carbon dioxide from atmosphere then plants. So if you have a large backward then plant some trees or a garden. This way you can enjoy the flowers it may blossom and know that your doing something to help the planet.

4. Walk the extra mile. If you say going to the shops nearby or the playing ground, walk there instead of taking your car. This way not only you saving on fuel but doing some much needed exercise. If everyone stops driving their car for a day, we'd make a huge contribution to our plant. So why not celebrate next Earth day (22nd of April) by leaving our cars home and take the public transport.

Cell membrane Proteins

In the cell membrane, there are a wide composition of proteins present. The most common protein you'll find in the membranes are receptors and channels. They are the messenger of cells. Receptor senses whats going on outside the cells and sends signal down to adjust accordingly. On the other hand, channels are like doors for your cells. They allow passage of nutrients and biochemicals. The most common type of channels you might find in a cell are aquaporins. The clever amongst you may have already realised what this channel/transporter do. It allows movement of water molecule through the membrane. Whilst water is a polar molecule and can move through the membrane bi-layer, it predominately uses this transporter for efficient and fast transport of water molecules. Down below is an actual X-ray crystallography picture of aquaporin channel.
This is a top down view of the channel. Its made up of four sub-units.